whew! it's been a good month since I last posted.
I made trips to Minneapolis and St. Louis for weddings of dear friends.
the garden is getting huge!!!
I have cucumbers (
boothby blondie)
cantalopes are getting to be tennis ball size
tomatoes are getting big, cherry tomatoes are already ripe
yesterday I had my first beans!
peas are growing wildly
I harvested a total of 89 pounds of garlic
onions are big
kale is running wild and taking over everything!!!
we have two amazing new interns (though
erin and rob are missed and have a special place in my heart)
we have been canning a bit!
blueberry jam!
and tonight pressure canning
greenbeans from the farm across the road.. yum!
and now for some photos!
(a lovely lazy breakfast a few weeks ago- eggs from our chickens and veggies from the garden)
( 2 photos of the large picnic blanket and utensil wrap I made for Jen and Louis!- wedding presents! )