I found out today that a friend and amazing St. Louis musician died in a car accident this afternoon... holding Dave, the fattback family and all the family and crew in my heart. so, so sad.
I'm a little out of sorts.
finished hanging all the garlic today
harvested 5 pounds of onions
and 6 pounds of kale- froze it all.. .
we decided the best way to preserve things for the kitchen is dehydrating, so we are working on getting a really great dehydrator...
3 more cucumbers today
and harvested the first 3 yellow squash! eep!!!!
lots of evening thunder storms...a big one tonight...
and some photos of all the little (and big) plants in the garden...the carrots are still small, big around but short and stumpy- tasty though. there are a few lovely purple tomatillos and the onions are big. the yellow squash is multiplying like rabbits, the new basil growing in to a colony and the late planted zucchini on its way!
the sunflowers are a super nice addition to the garden- always a friendly face in the garden...
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